ACM Foundation and Peripli Association organize an international seminar : Mediterranean heritage and citizenship destruction-reconstruction | memory preservation | citizen participation


The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation (FACM) and Association Peripli, Culture and Società Euromediterranee

organize an international seminar

Mediterranean heritage and citizenship

destruction-reconstruction | memory preservation | citizen participation

Algiers | Cairo | Larisa | Marseille | Nablus | Nice | Paris | Rabat

| Sarajevo | Syria | Tirana | Tunisia | Valencia

Naples October 4 - 5, 2019 (9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)
Monumental complex of San Domenico Maggiore - Chapter room
vico San Domenico Maggiore 18 - Naples


This seminar is sponsored by the ACM Foundation with the institutional support of the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (PAM), UNESCO, the city hall of Naples, the Consulate of France and that of Portugal, among others. Participating in the convention are members of the ACM Foundation Advisory Council, the ACM circles of Naples, Casablanca, Nice, Algiers, Palestine, Marseille, Valencia, Sarajevo, Syria, Paris, Thessaly, among participants from Cairo, Rabat, Tirana or Tunisia.

Researchers, curators, mediators and citizens bring together to redefine the role of museums, libraries and cultural institutes in the 21st century; analyze the different forms of citizen participation in several countries, the devices and projects destined to this participation, and reconsider the role of citizens, their associations in the recovery of local and collective memory.

The colloquium, therefore, intends to promote a critical reflection but at the same time draw a perspective of orientations to reconstruct the heritage of the different Mediterranean areas, assuming that in a “knowledge transmission society” the traditionally responsible institutions of this mission (schools, universities, museums, libraries, etc.) are no longer the only ones that do it, in fact, often, for various reasons, they fail
in their mision.

One of the objectives of this initiative is also to open a broad debate
in the Mediterranean area, promoting a project that in the coming years
It will include periodic territorial meetings in the different Mediterranean countries. “We want to encourage civil society actors involved in the heritage sectors coming from the two shores of the Mediterranean and offer them a meeting opportunity. We want to mobilize so that culture and its assets are the fourth pillar of sustainable development. We want to promote citizens’ awareness about the vital importance of collective memory, the interconnections of cultures, the participation of all citizens in the reconstruction of Mediterranean heritage, as common and shared goods” said Maria Donzelli, president of the Peripli Association / member of the FACM Advisory Council.

The citizen colloquium, which takes place not by chance in Naples, a city of a thousand contradictions, crossroads of encounters and disagreements between the peoples of the Mediterranean, is celebrated on the occasion of the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Peripli and the FACM who collaborate in a fruitful synergy of objectives: l The Peripli Association promotes dialogue between Euro-Mediterranean cultures through training activities, philosophical coffees, research, publications, city meetings; The FACM promotes awareness of a Mediterranean citizenship through meetings and activities organized by its 28 Circles, spread throughout the Mediterranean area.

The initiative was born in November 2017 in Casablanca, on the occasion of the 7th FACM Meeting where the issue of Mediterranean heritage was addressed. Several countries were present: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy. The discussion highlighted the dramatic social, economic and political
situations, due to conflicts and wars, terrorism and natural disasters that
destroyed and continue to destroy the tangible and intangible assets of the
Mediterranean countries. All participants from the different countries that were present at that
meeting of the FACM expressed the need to address the dramatic consequences of
such events that undermine the cultural roots of Mediterranean countries and
the social, identity and cultural cohesion of their peoples.