Environmental Actions

Food-system Transition in the Mediterranean
In 2016, the MCA foundation, Mensa Civica, CERAI (Spain) and RESOLIS (France) sign a cooperative agreement to facilitate the food processing transition in the Mediterranean. Among the objectives, there are an appeal in favour of this transition, the construction of a relation between our local, responsible and sustainable initiatives in the Mediterranean area, the public policies analysis of the agricultural and food systems, their transitions and the construction of tools to prepare the future actions and campaigns in different geographic levels. In 2016, the MCA Foundation, coordinate the production of a Declaration for the food-processing transition in the Mediterranean, which first step was its promotion and its diffusion in the internationals specialized forums, institutional meetings, and diverse public acts, and now include more than 66 organizations signatories from different countries of both sides of the basin. During 2020, the objective is to give a boost to the project and the declaration obtaining new signatures which will allow to get the commitment of the diverse euromediterranean institutions, with the objective of reaching the development of a food-system transition’s strategy in the Mediterranean. DECLARATION | LINKS

Tools to promote the transition to Territorialized Food Systems (TFS/SAT)
The project “Tools to promote the transition to Territorialised Food Systems (TFS/SAT)” has been driven in 2018 by the International Centre of rural and agrarian studies (CERAI) in collaboration with the Mediterranean Citizens Assembly Foundation (MCAF) and the participation of the organization Mensa Civica and the French organization RESOLIS, with the financial support of the Daniel and Nina Carrasco Foundation. This project is divided in two phases. The first one included all the 2018 year, in which one the best sustainable food-process initiatives of Spain have been studied and inventoried in a national map. The second phase in 2019 consisted of publishing the 100 best studied initiatives. For this second step, the year 2020 consists on the diffusion of this study, just as starting a collaboration with the different Mediterranean platforms, to prepare the potential development of a similar study in other regions of the Mediterranean with similar territorial characteristics and climates.

LINKS |  Publications

Joint action: cleaning-up the Mediterranean Beaches
Since 2017, the MCA Foundation promote and sponsor the cleaning-up Mediterranean beaches Day. This activity gathered 2.000 young participants from 9 countries of the region and 16 beaches during its last edition in 2019. This year, the reinforcement of the activity has been prepared with the objective of reaching the officialization of the Day, which celebrate this action the 27th of April, named “Collective action of the involved youth for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, Day”