III Mediterranean Congress of Music and Science Report


Even though scientific and musical divulgation events have existed since the origin of the intellectual history of human beings, in the current context, the internationalist philosophy of the Mediterranean Congress “Music and Science” is the justification for its unique nature. Beyond the thematic purpose of the Congress stands the unifying purpose, by which the Congress tries to respect the linguistic, cultural and sociological plurality and achieves in each edition a shared reflection about international problems, related to music, science, and their social implications, in addition to the academic reflection.

However, the international character of the Congress has a place of focus, and this is the Mediterranean, as a nucleus of civilisations and as a place to which the two cities from this event was born belong: Sarajevo and Valencia. As a consequence, the theme “Music and Science”, discussed during the three years of life of this activity, acquires the adjective “Mediterranean”, and thus the idea of the Mediterranean Congress “Music and Science” is established.

Having delimited the international geography, and having defined the general theme, the work of the Mediterranean Congress “Music and Science” consists of establishing a particular topic of discussion for each edition, being the one of this third edition: “The distribution of resources. The science of materials in technological and musical development”, performed in September 2022.

The Congress is organised by the MCA Foundation and Muestra Viva del Mediterráneo. It has the support of the Valencian Institute of Culture and Generalitat Valenciana, and with the collaboration of:

– Valencia City Council

– Berklee Valencia Campus (participating students)

– CIHAR, Intercultural Hispano-Arabic Circle

– Department of Physics of the University of Sarajevo

– University of Valencia

– Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community

– Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès du Homme (FPH)

– Atellier Memorial Alija Kucukalic Foundation (FMAAK-Sarajevo)

– Public figures from the following institutions: University of Valencia, Patronage of Alhambra and Generalife; Conservatory of Valencia Joaquín Rodrigo; the Cypriot NGO Commedia; ASTICUDE; the National Museum of Bardo; or scientific centres such as the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility based in France; the Institute of Materials Sciences of the University of Valencia; The Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon, and with special gender strategy, the World Network and Forum of Women in Science Without Borders (WISWB).

– The MCA Foundation circles of: Algiers, Cyprus, Morocco, Sarajevo and Valencia.

– López Piñero Inter-University Institute

Congress Report: Report III Mediterranean Congress of Music and Science (SPA/VAL)