3rd MCA Meeting – 2012, Volos (GREECE)

25th to 28th October 2012 | Volos, Greece


Recent events in the Mediterranean Basin have demonstrated the determination of the citizens to leave a strong and lasting mark on the political and social life. In such context, the Mediterranean Citizens’Assembly (MCA) initiative – launched in 2008 – is significant and relevant.

During the first Mediterranean Citizens’Assembly, held in July 2010 in Valencia (Spain), on “Mediterranean dialogues: institutions and citizenship in the Mediterranean” the need was expressed to promote the emersion of a Mediterranean community of peoples, anchored in a Mediterranean political space and a Mediterranean citizenship.

The second Mediterranean Citizens’Assembly, held in December 2011 in Tunis on “Crisis and changes in the Mediterranean: citizenship on the move”. This Assembly has demonstrated that it is the people of the Mediterranean who are writing their own destiny, with their freedom, their way of seeing things, their history; together with the youth and all societies.

The third Assembly of the MCA will bring together members of the MCA circles, mainly aiming to foster the exchange of ideas, experiences, initiatives and perspectives.



Summary of the meeting

Reflections on the future of the MCA


The Third Assembly on Internet

Memory of the Third MCA Meeting