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Version pdf.

Mémoire IX Rencontre de la Fondation ACM

Version pdf.

Mémoire II Congrès Música i Ciència

Version pdf.

Mémoire d’activités de la FACM 2021

Version pdf.

Résumé des activités de la FACM 2021

Version pdf.

Paella y Cuscús.Una historia mediterránea

Version pdf.

A la niebla. Para a névoa. Cap a la boira. Francisco Brines. Una antología trilingüe de La última costa

Version pdf.

Mémoire d’activités de la FACM 2020. 

Version pdf.







Résumé des activités de la FACM 2020.

Version pdf.




Vint poemes d’amor i de mort i el Cant Espiritual  (2020) Ausiàs March. Trilingual anthology: Valencian, Spanish, Italian. Coord. Josep Piera. Ed. Valencian Council of Culture, Valencia City Council and ACM Foundation.



Les inégalités méditerranéennes, Le défi du XXIème siècle (2020). 
Ricard Pérez Casado (Author) Laurence Thieux (translater). Ed. Fondation ACM/Ed. Cygne.




Memory VIII Meeting of the MCA Foundation. Youth in the Mediterranean. Barcelona 7/10/ Noviembre 2019.

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“Las desigualdades mediterráneas, reto del siglo XXI” by author Ricard Pérez Casado. A work co-published in Spain by FACM and the publishing house Catarata.
Publication: 16-03-2020. Number in the collection 283.

Herramientas para el impulso de sistemas alimentarios territorializados. Extension of the study carried out as part of the project “Tools for the transition to territorial food systems”, funded by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and carried out by CERAI in collaboration with the FACM and the French organization RESOLIS, 2020 .

100 iniciativas locales para una alimentación responsable y sostenible en España. Publication produced within the framework of the project “Tools for the transition to Territorial Food Systems”, funded by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and produced by CERAI in collaboration with the FACM and the French organization RESOLIS, 2019.

Mediterranean Writers Meeting. First edition summer-autumn 1985, Valencia City Council. Reissue 2019, MVM.
Version pdf.

Mediterranean Writers Meeting. First edition winter-spring 1986, Valencia City Council. Reissue 2019, MVM.
Version pdf.

De València al Mediterrani III. Mostra Viva del Mediterrani 2013-2019. Vicent Gregori García. MVM 2020.

De València al Mediterráneo II. Mostra de València 1991-2011. Vicent Gregori García. MVM 2019. Pdf version.
De València al Mediterráneo. Mostra, Encontre i Trobada 1980-1990. Vicent Gregori García. MVM 2018. Pdf version.
IBN KHAFAJA D’ALZIRA. Poetic anthology. Languages: Arabic, Valencian and Spanish, with translations by Mahmud Sobh and Josep Piera. First edition 1986. 2017 reissue. Consell Valencià de Cultura.
KAVAFIS. Poetic anthology. Languages: Arabic, Valencian and Spanish, with translations by Mahmud Sobh and Josep Piera. First edition 1986. 2017 reissue. Consell Valencià de Cultura.
Memory of the VII Meeting of the MCA Foundation. Casablanca 2017.
Pdf version.
Online viewer.

Structure, objectifs et évolution du MCAF.
Pdf version
Online viewer.

6 years. Mediterranean citizenship on the move. 2010-2016.
Pdf version.
Online viewer.

The MCA Foundation. Citizenship and Mediterranean integration. (2016)
Pdf version.
Online viewer.
Memory of the 6th Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. 5 years of ACM: assessment and future prospects. Tirana, Albania, July 2015.
Versión pdf.
Memory of the 5th Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. Towards the construction of a Mediterranean community of peoples. Marseille, France, November 2014.
Versión pdf.
The role of citizens in democratic transformations and socio-economic development. Survey report. October 2014.
Versión pdf.
Memory of the 4th Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. Mediterranean dialogues: citizenship and conflicts. Istanbul, Turkey, November 2013.
Versión pdf.
Memory of the 3rd Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. The changes in the Mediterranean, the dynamics of the citizens’ circles and the future of the MCA. Volos, Greece, October 2012.
Versión pdf.
Memory of the 2nd Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. Crises and change in the Mediterranean: citizenship on the move. Tunisia, December 2011.
Versión pdf.
Memory of the 1st Meeting of the Assembly of Citizens of the Mediterranean. Mediterranean dialogues: institutions and citizenship in the Mediterranean. Valencia, Spain, July 2010.
Versión pdf.