BALTA, Paul (France). Journalist and writer specialized in Middle East and Mediterranean, (1929-2019).
MATVEJEVIC, Predrag (Croatia). Essayist, (1932-2017).
MORIN, Edgar (France). Philosopher.
ORDINE, Nuccio (Italy). Philosopher, professor, member of the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. San Marco Argentano Award and Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2023, (1958-2023).
RULLEAU, Claudine (France). Writer.
SPAHIC, Ibrahim (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Writer and poet, CEO and Founder of Sarajevo International Winter Festival and International Peace Center ByH.
AL AQRAN, Dima (Palestine). Head of Programs of the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency PICA, and a member of the staff of the Department of Strategic Planning and International Relations of the Municipality of Hebron.
AZAB, Lamiss (France). Political scientist and translator, professor at the University of Menton.
BALAWI, Hassan (Palestine). Diplomat, Responsible for bilateral relations with Belgium and Luxembourg.
BAÑON, Lola (Spain). Doctor in journalism. Journalist and professor at the University of Valencia, specialist in the Middle East.
BOUFENIK, Fatma (Algeria). Proffesor- Researcher at Mohamed Ben Ahmed University – Oran 2. Expert in Gender and Economic Development. She is an active activist in the feminist movement and for civil and egalitarian rights.
BOUSSOIS, Sebastien (France). Doctor in political science, specialist in the Middle East.
CIVICI, Adrian (Albania). Economist. Dean of the doctoral school of the European University of Tirana.
COUSTILLIÈRE, Jean François (France). Rear Admiral (2s) and President of JFC Conseil.
D’ASPREMONT, Geoffroy (Belguium). Administrator at the European Institute of Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA).
DONZELLI, Maria (Italy). Professor of History of Philosophy at the “Orientale” University of Naples. President of the Association “Peripli-Culture e Societa Euromediterranee”.
DRIS, Louisa (Algeria). Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Algiers.
DRISS, Ahmed (Tunisia). Professor of International Relations at the University of Tunis. President of the CEMI (Center for Mediterranean and International Studies).
ENRIQUEZ, Eugène (France). Sociologist. Professor emeritus of the University Paris VII.
EL OUMRI, Touria (Morocco). Feminist activist. President of the Association épanouissement Féminin.
GARCÉS, Vicent (Spain). President of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation; Honorifical President at Mostra Viva del Mediterrani; Former Member of the European Parliament.
GIRARD, Margot (France). Lawyer specializing in communication. President of the Selena Women Welfare Association in Aix-en-Provence.
GOUSSIOUS, Dimitri (Greece). Researcher in socio-economics at the University of Thessaly, Vólos.
GRAU I SEGÚ, Martí (Spain). Historian and Political scientist at the European Parliament. Former Member of the European Parliament. Curator at the House of European History (Brussels).
GURI, Fatmir (Albanie). Lecturer at the Agricultural University of Tirana.
HACHED Farah (Tunisia). Lawyer, Founder-President of “Labo Démocratique”, Member of the board of directors of Mahmoud el Materi University.
JEBLAOUI, Emna (Tunisia) Dr. Professor of Islamic Studies at University of Manouba, Director of IDH Institut de Développement Humain.
KAWAKIBI, Salam (France, Syria). Political scientist, Executive Director of the Arab Center for Research and Political Studies in Paris (CAREP).
MARIANI, Maurizio (Italy). Expert in economics and environment. President of RISTECO.
MIKAIL, Barah (France). Researcher specialized in the Middle East and North Africa. Professor at St. Louise University (Madrid).
MOHAND-AMER, Amar (Algeria). PhD in History. Director of the division “Socio-Anthropology of History and Memory (HistMém) and associate director of the editorial board of the journal Insaniyat at the CRASC (National Centre for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology) in Oran.
PECORELLA, Veronica (Italy). Director of Communication and Marketing at the Mediterranean Institute of Certification (IMC).
PÉREZ CASADO, Ricard (Spain). Doctor of History and a Bachelor of Political Science. Former Mayor of Valencia.
PIZZORNI FLORENCE (France). General Curator for Heritage at the Ministry of Culture (France) and the MUCEM museum. Associative activist in the Heritage protection area, the environmental area and intercultural dialogue.
POUTSIAKAS, Nikolaos (Grèce). Sociologist and ethnologist. Regional councilor of Thessaly (Social Affairs).
SOLOMONIDES, Angélique (Cyprus). Lawyer and specialist in international relations.
ÜNVER NOI, Aylin (Turkey). University professor. Expert in International Relations.
XHINDI, Nevila (Albania). Professor at the Mediterranean University of Albania and expert in Human Geography and more specifically in “migrations, planning and development” and in Regional Development: Educational Policies and Comparative Studies.
WARSCHAWSKI, Michael (Israel). President of the Alternative Information Center in Tel Aviv.