MCAF together with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), has presented the work of the poet Francisco Brines “A la niebla. Para a névoa. Cap a la boira”. The event was held on 20th September at the IEMed headquarters, and was attended by: Àngels Gregori, director of the Francisco Brines Foundation and coordinator of Encontre d’Escriptors de Mostra Viva del Mediterràni, Senen Florensa, IEMed president, Vicent Garcès, MAC Foundation president, and Josep Piera, poet and translator of the work.
The edition is a trilingual anthology of the book “La última costa”, one of the most emblematic collection of poems whose author, Francisco Brines, was awarded by Cervantes Prize. It has been produced by the Consell Valencià of Culture together with the MACF and Mostra Viva del Mediterráneo. Following the previous volumes dedicated to Konstantinos Kavafis, Ibn Khafaja from Alzira and Ausiàs March, the book consists of a selection of thirty-three poems translated for the first time into Valencian and Portuguese.
Àngels Gregori defined “A la niebla” as “a final journey from a sea that is no longer a calm sea, but one that is closer to death, greyer and more Atlantic”. At the end of the event, the last poem of the book was read in the three languages that appear in it: Spanish, Valencian and Portuguese.