The year 2019 is full of exciting projects:
“Les assises de la jeunesse” is one of the central projects of the ACM Foundation for next year. The FACM will organize a great meeting aimed to addressing the challenges and priorities of the youth in the Mediterranean.
Is about to start the first edition of the Euro-Mediterranean University EMUI and the ACM Foundation International University Master: Human Rights in the Mediterranean.
The ACM Foundation is a member of the EMUI Social Council and both entities have signed a collaboration agreement for developing it. It is an on-line Master offered jointly by the institutions that take part of the Academic Council of EMUI: Complutense University of Madrid (Spain); University of Salento (Lecce, Italy); Università di Foggia (Italy); Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Cairo University (Egypt); Universitat Mohammed V of Rabat (Morocco); Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès (Morocco); Università di Firenze (Italy), Humboldt Universität (Berlin, Germany); Université d’Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed (Algerie) and Universitè de Sousse (Tunis).
Within our line of action to promote solidarity with people in exile, the ACM Foundation will carry out the first inclusion guide, written from the perspective of the refugee people who participate in the project and may be used by public administrations, civil organizations and institutions. Axes such as immigration and refuge; training and employment; sustainable development; gender and promotion of the culture of peace will be analyzed. The initiative has the support of the Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, U.E. and Cooperation.
The cultural and architectural heritage in the Mediterranean is another of the great projects that we will approach in collaboration with the Peripli Association of Naples and several of our ACM circles. A commitment to put value on the enormous cultural legacy that all the peoples of the Mediterranean share.
The agro-food transition in our region is an initiative that the ACM Foundation has been leading for several years, and to which more than 60 international organizations have joined. This year we will continue to turn our efforts to make our sea a more sustainable space. In the same way, we will continue developing the second phase of the SAT project “Transitional Tools Towards Territorialized Agrifood Systems” that we are carrying out with the NGO CERAI, Resolis and Mensa Cívica, and which has the sponsorship of the Daniel and Ninna Carasso Foundation.
After the trilingual anthology of the grec Kavafis, the Andalusian poet Ibn Khafaja and the monography on the cultural awakening that the Mostra Viva del Mediterrani festival represented for Valencian society, this year it will also offer us great editorial novelties in which the ACM Foundation works actively.
We will reinforce our line of contents in the Arabic language, as one of the vehicular languages of our Foundation.
A year full of exciting projects in which our network of circles will continue to grow with new additions such as Sarajevo, Tripoli or Piran, in Slovenia.