Help us to discover the best agro-food initiatives in Spain! Collaborate in the SAT project


CERAI and the ACM Foundation have undertaken a new project: Tools for the transition to Territorialized Alimentation Systems (SAT) “. It is a 2 year project (2018 and 2019), in which CERAI and the FACM, in collaboration with the organizations RESOLIS (France) and Mensa Cívica (Spain), launch the first mapping of the best Spanish SAT initiatives considering its environmental, sociocultural and economic impacts. The project is sponsored by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation (France). The idea is to analyze during the first year the initiatives along the food chain (production, transformation, distribution, consumption, and policies or governance) that generate good practices in the construction of local (territorialized) Food Systems throughout Spain. From at least 100 initiatives identified and to which we will interview, we will select 30 to follow up more thoroughly and from which we can draw the tools for good practices that can be replicated or scaled. Help us to discover the best experiences in this field! Read more