Lancement du Mouvement euro-méditerranéen de solidarité avec les personnes réfugiées et en situation d’exil


Lancement du Mouvement euro-méditerranéen de solidarité avec les personnes réfugiées et en situation d’exil. Dans cet acte fondateur du mouvement intervindra le président de la Fondation ACM, Vicent Garcés et les représentants des cercles ACM de Palestine, Thessalie (Grèce), Rome et Naples (Italie), et València (Espagne).

Amel Association International (Amel) and Samusocial International (SSI) are organizing a meeting in Rome, at the Capitol and the French Institute Center Saint-Louis, on June 12th, 2018, to launch a  Euro-Mediterranean Movement  of Solidarity with people in exile.
Dr. Xavier Emmanuelli, Founding President of Samusocial International (SSI) and Dr. Kamel Mohanna, Founding President of Amel Association International (Amel), initiated in 2017 a process of exchange with different stakeholders, around the values ​​of dignity , solidarity and humanity with people in exile. These discussions were concretized by the organization of two seminars by Samusocial International and Amel Association International, in autumn 2017, in France and Greece, bringing together institutional, civil society and researchers, all actors of migration.
In Paris, the seminar “Humanizing the reception of people in exile: transversal perspectives of experts and field actors for sustainable solutions” brought together 200 participants and speakers in October 2017. From these discussions were drawn observation on the reception of unaccompanied minors, the development of legal entry possibilities in Europe to limit “vulnerability” on the way and the consideration of the mutual choices of the welcome and the welcoming for a better integration.
In December 2017, in Athens, 150 participants and speakers met for the seminar “Dignity, Solidarity and Humanity with people in exile. Innovative practices “. This seminar allowed the participants, through working sessions, to present their practices, which constructively illustrate some of the recommendations made in Paris and set out the challenges they face on the ground. They were able to formulate proposals for joint actions, which could be replicated in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
These seminars also made it possible to bring out the idea of ​​calling on all actors, who share the values ​​of dignity, solidarity and humanity, to join a Euro-Mediterranean movement with people in exile. It is in this context that will be held the meeting in Rome.