Home News The FACM becomes a SDSN Youth member organization

The FACM becomes a SDSN Youth member organization


The ACM Foundation celebrates its incorporation as members to the Solutions for Sustainable Development Network (SDSN YOUTH).
On September 25th 2015, 193 member states of the United Nations adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals which will guide the social, economic and environmental actions everybody takes to achieve a sustainable future by the year 2030.

This landmark agreement serves as a framework of global aspirations for the world to commit to in order to address the biggest global challenges of our time. They call upon all stakeholders – governments, businesses, civil society, academia and of course, youth, to work together in creating solutions that will meet the goals and their targets. They ask all interested parties (governments, companies, civil society, academic institutions and, of course, young people) to work together to create solutions that meet the objectives and their objectives. Values and commitments widely shared by ACM Foundation and its network of citizens circles around the Mediterranean.