1st to 4th July | València, Spain
From 1 to 4 July 2010, the first Citizens’ Assembly of the Mediterranean was held in Valencia, Spain, on the theme “Institutions and Citizenship in the Mediterranean. Eighty individuals from eighteen different Mediterranean countries attended this first meeting. Representatives of all public institutions of the Mediterranean were also present, such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, the Euro-Med Parliamentary Assembly, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Economic and Social Council, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.
Discussions were split into four agoras:
AGORA 1: Thinking about the Mediterranean region
- What political/institutional framework?
- Which institutional realities for the Mediterranean?
- What visions of the Mediterranean from the perspective of countries participating in the Euro-Mediterranean process?
AGORA 2: Citizenship in the Mediterranean, rights and responsibilities
- What is Mediterranean citizenship?
- Which instruments and policies should be used for exercising citizenship?
- Is there a Mediterranean identity?
AGORA 3: Creation of a sustainable area of peace: are there any prerequisites?
- What forms of citizen participation are needed to work towards a community of Mediterranean peoples?
- Which Euro-Mediterranean agreements will help eradicate socio-economic inequalities?
- How do we un-compartmentalize the mindsets and practices of organisations working for the Mediterranean area?
AGORA 4: Current and future challenges in the Mediterranean: The individual and collective responsibility of citizens
- What is the environmental responsibility of citizens of the Mediterranean area?
- What education is needed to face the challenges of tomorrow?
- What “territorial developments” are needed in the Mediterranean area?
- What mobility policies are needed in the Mediterranean to meet public demannds.
With the support of
La Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme (FPH – www.fph.ch)
Casa Árabe (www.casaarabe-ieam.es)
Casa Mediterráneo (www.casamediterraneo.es)