Mostra Viva del Mediterràni (MVM) a cultural event promoted by the MCA Foundation and the Mostra Viva del Mediterrani Citizens’ Association, has celebrated its 10th anniversary, positioning the city of Valencia as the cultural capital of the Mediterranean during the development of its programme. The edition is being held from 22nd September to 16th October, under the slogan “Building bridges of culture for peace in the Mediterranean”.
The international festival Mostra Viva del Mediterràni (MVM), co-organised by the MACF, has a very diverse programme, with almost 60 activities related to music, theatre and literature. Among them, the following stand out:TROBADA DE MÚSICA DEL MEDITERRANI (MEDITERRANEAN MUSIC MEETING)
In this edition, the emphasis is on the universal language of music in all its representations, from the most local to the most international. “Tras las huellas de Xarq Al Andalus” (“In the footsteps of Xarq Al Andalus”) is the main concert of the edition, which will take place on 7th October at Casa Mediterráneo, Alicante.

This is an in-house production by Mostra Viva del Mediterrani, based on the album Xarq al-Andalus by Al Tall together with Muluk El Hwa. A selection of a variety of poems made by Xarq al-Andalus, converted into contemporary songs that have been incorporated into the valencian and mediterranean poetic and musical tradition. This production will feature the participation of 14 musicians.

The show was an absolute success in its first session at the Theater El Musical in Valencia. And the collaboration of MCA Foundation and Casa Mediterráneo have made possible this second session.

MVM’s exhibitions are an accurate expression of the realities and feelings of Mediterranean culture.

“El cálamo y la tinta” (“The Calamus and the Ink”) is an exhibition, produced by the MCA Foundation in collaboration with Casa Mediterráneo, which analyses islamic calligraphy. It comprises both the technical and artistic achievements manifested in the whole aesthetic experience, as well as the realisation and visualisation of the arabic alphabet letter. The exhibition focuses on the individual work of the renowned bosnian calligrapher Dr. Ćazim Hadžimejlić, also professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Sarajevo.

On the other hand, “Valencia Copyright” brings back different valencian illustrators who took part in the 12th Angoulême Festival, which was held in 1985, and for which they published a series of leaflets under the title of Valencia Copyright. Some of them were Daniel Torres, Nacho Balaguer, Sento, Mique Beltrán, Micharmut and Miguel Calatayud. The exhibition, therefore, is a tribute to the legacy of this generation that gave rise to one of the most avant-garde movements in european comics and that continues to influence later authors.

“Retrospectiva de la obra de Antonio Camaró” (“Retrospective of the work of Antonio Camaró”) is an exhibition of the works of the artist named by UNESCO as the painter of harmony and peace between different civilisations and cultures. The most representative topics are diversity, mutual respect and the mediterraneity. In addition, the painter has also been the author of the poster for this edition of Mostra Viva del Mediterràni.

This year’s debates are devoted to three major topics: women, human rights and, in particular, youth.“Mujer y activismo: Les archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie” (“Women and activism: The archives of women’s struggles in Algeria”) will feature Lydia Saïdi, co-director of the project Les archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie, Zoubida Kouti, president of le Petit Lecteur in Oran and member of the MCAF circle there, and Eva Máñez, photojournalist and host of the event. The three of them will talk about the history of the feminist movement, especially the algerian one.

In terms of human rights, the debate will focus on the current socio-political context of the mediterranean area with the collaboration of different relevant profiles, intellectuals and expert artists. The participants will be Fernando Flores, director of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Valencia, Maati Monjib, moroccan human rights activist, and Solafa Magdy Mahfouz Sallam, journalist and defender of women’s rights. Lola Bañón, member of the Advisory Council of the MCA Foundation, will be the moderator.

The Mediterranean Youth Council was presented for the first time in Valencia within the framework of youth. An organization made up of 30 young people who aspire to represent the youth of the Mediterranean. The project is a collaboration between Têtes de l’Art and the MCA Foundation, supported by the CPMR (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions) Intermediterranean Commision, Veneto and south of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regions.

This year takes place the 40th anniversary of the first Encontre d’Escriptors de la Mediterrània. An event that promotes reading and encounters between mediterranean authors and their public. The slogan, on this occasion, is “ Entre la Guerra y la Paz” (“Between War and Peace”), which seeks to focus attention on the war situation that’s being experienced in Europe and how literature can help to overcome these desperate situations.

The event will also focus on the horror of war and its devastating consequences. But there will also be a place for traditional tales from Algeria, the Maghreb and Greece. The aim is to reflect the importance of stories passed orally through the mediterranean areas.