Our MCA Foundation is a network of Mediterranean citizens and our reason for being is to facilitate dialogue, mutual knowledge, recognition of the diversity of the peoples from Mediterranean. Motivated to generate citizen synergies to increase common capacities and initiatives. The citizens present here, members of the MCA circles from Podgorica (Montenegro), Thessaly (Greece), Tirana (Albania), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Zagreb (Croatia) confirm a shared feeling of Mediterranean spirit, of a common space, above borders and conflicts.
From Sarajevo, a symbolic city for the courage of its citizenship, and that has given us recognition in the form of a prize that bears the name FREEDOM and that the International Center for Peace gives us, we send a message of friendship to all MCA Mediterranean circles and we encourage them not to give up in the continuous struggle for peace, freedom, building trust in each other and in the different, for a common life in the culture of diversity.
Sarajevo, 08.02.2020.